August 25, 2014

Stella & Dot GIveaway! (Closed)

Pants-Jones NY (Thrifted)
Necklace- Stella & Dot
Heels- BcbGirls

Well, I am seriously excited about today's jewelry... I mean who wouldn't be with that gorgeous statement necklace... I love how accessories seriously are the magic dust to any look! Even a basic look is elevated with a good necklace... And this one is no exception! I'm wearing the Norah Pendant from Stella & Dot.. and today I get to give it away to one lucky reader!!!! Yup that's right folks... my very fist giveaway! When Lauren Ciciarelli a Stella & Dot Independent Stylist  approached me about hosting a giveaway for my readers, I was thrilled! This jewelry is gorgeous worn by many celebrities as well us fashionistas...It's so easy just to drool over the keyboard looking at all the yummy baubles... Be sure to head over to her site and start a wish list!

Norah Pendant a value of $98

SO...  let's do this! 
The details... 
This is giveaway is open to USA & CANADA only .... the winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday August 29th.  Happy Monday ya'll and good luck!

August 20, 2014

Back To School Season: 7 Time Saving Tips ...

Back To School Season..

Back To School Season.. by hchdesigns featuring a ray ban aviator

Ok so it's back to school season.. and it's like a madhouse with traffic at 8:00am and you forgot to leave for work early... Gosh those little kids are cute but they are a real buzz kill when it comes to getting to work on time.. unless.. you plan ahead! Here are some tried and true tricks to help you getting out the door on time!
  • Shower at night.. I know, brilliant right? I should write a book.... If you shower at night, first off it will relax you and help you sleep better, therefore not waking up like the zombie that may or may not happen.. 

  • Speaking of sleep, go to bed! You are not a kid, you are not going to par-tay all night long... the average person needs about 7 hours of sleep.. Getting enough rest will help you not curse at your alarm and help loose the under eye baggage!

  • Skip the coffee shop... There is nothing more chic then saving money... so set your nifty coffee maker to brew right before your alarm goes off in the morning.. that way when you get up, the house smells like coffee and you can stumble to the kitchen poor yourself a cup and all will be right with the world again.

  • Keep your makeup fresh & simple, skip the layers of eye shadow and false lashes... go for neutral tones and classic looks... If you need to carve out more time for this, to do it at home, then do it... It's tempting to do your makeup in the car but repeat after me, "I will not put makeup on in the car".. there are kiddos out there and you need to pay attention to the road... If you are carpooling, then well, if you are comfortable putting on your makeup with an audience then be my guest... 

  • Pick out your outfit the night before, try it on.. accessories and all and make sure you like it.. I say this because there have been many times I've picked out a look the night before only to change my mind the morning of, which consequently results in half of my closet emptied onto my bed.. never a good idea...
  • Set your alarm to go off 15 minutes before you need to get out the door.. this helps me so much, because before you know it you've wasted some serious time wondering if your eyeliner is on evenly..and your not dressed it's time to leave.. awkward...  if you only have 15 minutes left, then you my friend need to start to hustle...

  • Top knot...I know, brilliant again! I'm on a roll.. So you showered the night before and then didn't dry your hair enough, you wake up with random waves and not in a cool way.. Brush that bad boy and pull it into a top knot... 

So there you have it.. my tips and tricks for getting out the door on time! It's that time of year when we are playing frogger with school buses and summer is over... We can handle it with these tips and comfort ourselves with this, if school is back then so is FALL FASHION! Can I get an amen?

August 19, 2014

Oprah Wasn't Built In A Day...

Well, I feel I owe you an apology.. I have been seriously MIA lately, sorry (insert cute sorry face here)...

A while back I wrote out all the "jobs" I had (I've added two more since then) quote my girl Julia Roberts... "big mistake, huge"... Never ever write out all the things you do... a sure fire way of promptly getting yourself over-freaking-whelmed.. Like holy crap how am I able to do a normal 9-5 job plus two-three other "jobs/projects"?? Well I'm telling you I don't know... All I know is that every day I'm gonna breathe... put on my big girl pants and get to work.  Rome wasn't built in a day... and apparently neither was Oprah...

Here I am, with large dreams, never ending to do lists and not enough hours in the day..But that's ok, it will happen and I'm done with feeling like I am not enough... Guess what ya'all... I am, I am enough... This ridiculous pressure put there only by our larger than life expectations is well, kinda cray cray.. I mean, who says I should be able to do 5 jobs in a 24 hour span?? Woah...  Life is meant for dreamers, for those Sunday evening BBQ's and black & white movies... Life is meant to be lived well, enjoyed, laughed at and treasured....

There's a lot of pressure out there to feel strong enough, pretty enough... skinny enough, smart enough... but what happens when you feel like there isn't enough of you to go around? I definitely have had those moments... But the truth is, when I dig deep and calm down.. I find out how amazing I am. and all things change.. All my choices are different.. because when you value something, you take care of it.. I'm not going to treat my engagement ring the same way I treat jewelry from a store the is eternally 21 years old.. if you catch my drift.. No, I'm going to treasure my ring because I value it... My husband told me yesterday, "We have to remind ourselves, there are treasures in the process." Sound wisdom from that man.. There are treasures in the process and I for one want to capture each and every one of them.. so when freak out and the mascara is running freely... I can remember two things.. I am enough and there are treasures in the process...