Photos by the amazing Sarah Marcella Photography
Top: HM all gone (love this one!)
Leggings: HM sold out (love these!)
Chucks: Converse
Awesome: -Finding the perfect duplex to rent.. it's spacious,clean, safe, perfect monthly rent... only to realize it's for an active senior community... why must we let a little thing like age get in the way! I wish I could say that it was the first time that happened...
- While on the way to work discovering that your jeans that you thought were clean, were in fact sporting food that had spilled on to it from the other day... how long has that been there? I do my laundry... swearsies...
- Myself slipping like Bambi on black ice and I landed on my thumb/wrist area... while I didn't sprain anything my right thumb was complaining the entire time saying "you don't appreciate me enough so now you are going to pay"... good luck holding a coffee mug or tying your shoes... I was controlled by my thumb for days...
- Realizing that this practically this entire outfit was purchased at H&M.... I might have a problem...
- Google+ comments deciding to throw a fit and not show up on the blog at all randomly... "Hey you Google+ comments? Yeah we are breaking up"... #bloggerproblems
-Discovering Amazon Prime... where has this been all my life..
- Sephora's return policy... nuff said..
- Sephora in general...
- My husband in a suit everyday... wowza....
- This picture....
- Being surprised with a day trip to Chico for my birthday.. my husband arranged everything and even had sister and brother in-law there to meet us! I was an amazing day...
- Our best friends having their first child.. gosh... life is too sweet... holy moly...
-Seeing my husband hold that sweet new baby...#babyfever... swoon...