Pics left to right
1- Mt Shasta in the mirror, 2- Starbucks sustenance, 3-Seth by the lake at breakfast, 4- My dad and my brother seeing each other for the first time in 2 years, 5- Sister & sister in-law, 6-Tubing on the lake,
7- sister in-law, 8- Seth to the rescue with floaters, 9-Glacier Park, 10-windblown model pose, 11- Cute couple (us), 12- Seth with most of the brothers, 13- My sister and I, 14- Jump! (that's me in the middle), 15-cute couple 2.0,
16-Heaven on earth....
Oh the bliss of vacation... It truly is glorious! We drove from California to Montana over two days and then spent 6 glorious days in the Flathead Valley of Montana. I'm not what you call an "outdoorsy" kind of girl... I like my usual conveniences and hiking is boring to me, not to mention I've yet to find a stylish hiking boot...
"oh yay, lets walk for the sake of walking.. "... however I was completely unprepared for the beauty and frankly surprised that I kinda fell in love with the area... Not sure if it was the coffee time by the lake with Seth or that I was with some of my favorite people but seriously the whole thing of me "playing hard to get" to Montana, kinda went out the window....
We spent 6 fabulous days playing hard till dusk, which there is around 11pm... LOVE THAT! Multiple days of swimming at the lake, floating down the river, grabbing dinner & cocktails and rounding out the evening with games... Truly great... I carefully planned all my outfits, and like usual I over packed and under estimated the heat! Wow.. with strong sun and a typical high of 93 (33c), I wore like 2% of my wardrobe! Honestly I do this every time! I wear the same things over and over and I come home with a suitcase half full of clean clothes! Which is fine by me because right now my suitcase is an exploding mess in my living room and a constant reminder that the real world is overrated and I want to go back to vacation dreamland! Making "re-entry" a bit bumpy... what do you mean I've got to do laundry? And clean out the fridge? and set the alarm??!
Oh the horror...
Vacation and time away was wonderful but being with my family was so sweet, I can honestly say that my parents, siblings and their spouses are some of my favorite people in the whole world!
Excuse me while I brag... We laugh together, support each others dreams, believe in each other and at the end of the day I can count on them to think I'm hilarious, kind and the absolute best version of myself... Being around those hilarious, kind, creative, supportive, fabulous people.. makes me only want more and unashamedly believe that I am the luckiest!