March 11, 2013

Deep Moments: Blogging...

"Tell the negative committee that meets in your head to sit down and shut up..."- Ann Bradford

Blogging... it's an interesting concept... you write about things that you  love.. or things you are excited about potentially sharing your heart to the world... being validated for the things you find interesting is the one of the  most gratifying feelings...  Here is what it is not...  it's not the Peace that lives in my heart.. it doesn't smile at me and tell me  "you look pretty" even when I know, I threw this outfit together in a fit of frustration trying to get the "perfect" look for a photo-shoot... because I'm 5 days behind on posting something...oh those crazy high expectations can get you every time!. Nope... it's none of that... and most's not what makes me into the person I am...  Listening to the positive voice in your head is hands down the best thing you do for your overall look... it's the best accessory and knowing  who you are makes every outfit work... instead of staring blankly into the closet saying "I have nothing to wear" and letting it ruin your day... and even though I know there are days when it gets hard to remember the awesomeness that we are... think about this... If we really knew, like deep deep down inside, just how incredible we are... what amazing things would happen? Just start to wonder...

Deep moments brought to you by a conversation in the car with my hubs... thanks you forever...


  1. Beautiful, so inspiring! Great post :)

    xx MJ

  2. Very interesting point of view! Have a lovely week!
    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  3. Awesome quote! I love it:)

  4. Thank you for following me via bloglovin I am following you too.....would you be interested in following via gfc...I am following you via gfc and bloglovin...follow me via gfc please :)

  5. Great post! Very inspirational.


  6. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Beautifully put :)

  7. Great post! Thanks for sharing dear!
