December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and may you never loose your sense of wonder...

December 19, 2014

How I apply my 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

Ever wonder things like, wow I wonder what Hope sounds like in real life? Or things like how many times does she roll her eyes... the answer to all these burning questions is in the this little tutorial I made for you.. Your welcome...

I am showing you how I apply my newest makeup obsession, 3D Fiber Lash Mascara by Younique... Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions!!

*this is not a sponsored post however I am a Younique presenter.

December 8, 2014

Holiday Hair Ready: Oh So Fancy...

Dress-Banana Republic last season (similar)

It's here.. a moment to dress up and feel fancy.. is it prom? Nope, it's better it's your Holiday party... I don't know about you but whenever I get the opportunity to dress up and feel all girly, I take it... you know why? Because a hoodie sweatshirt doesn't make you feel like you've got  your own theme song...

For me, I honestly have to say I've usually left my hair to the last minute.. I mean I think we've all thought, "gosh, would be so great to have a hair & makeup crew to do all of this for me?" Well, that's one of the wonderful things I love about Dolce Vita Salon.. they give us women the opportunity to look our best for any occasion and this one happens to be a Holiday party... It was so much fun to get all glammed up and have Kimberly work her magic... Whether it's a classic Holiday party updo or a semi casual blowout, Dolce Vita Salon is the place for you... Don't miss the opportunity to treat yourself to this, because let's face it, we ladies can forget to take care of ourselves and before you know it you're freaking out in front of the mirror because your hair isn't doing what you saw on Pinterest... or maybe that's just me...

Right now Dolce Vita is offering a wonderful deal for an amazing hair treatment... It's by Kerastase (hair magic) Fusio-Dose... basically it's an at home treatment for your hair... whatever your need is, whether your hair is, fine, damaged or dry.. it's going to put amazing life back in your hair and you can do it at home!! Usually $75 but right now only $50!! Head on into the salon and tell them I sent you! Whatever your plans are this season, I hope you stop, take a breath, spoil yourself just a little and remember that you are worth it... It's ok to take a moment and feel oh so fancy...

*This post was sponsored however the opinions expressed is completely my own.

December 2, 2014

My Mascara Miracle...

My Mascara Miracle...

My Mascara Miracle... by hchdesigns featuring Clinique

Wow.. I wonder if I even remember how to blog?  I just have been waiting for some free time to run up to me and smack me in the face.. well, that hasn't happened yet... But I just HAD to tell you about my best and most wonderful discovery of late... Younique 3D FIber Lash mascara.. I mean, you know you are in love when you can't wait to put it on in the morning... my girlfriend introduced this to me and well, what can I say I'm hooked for life... For those of you who've been with this blog for a while know that I've had this journey to find the perfect mascara.. and it all proved pointless.. a fact that my Sephora account will attest to...Until, I tried this mascara.. It's a miracle... A Christmas miracle.. something similar that would be shown on the Hallmark channel.. but I digress...
I honestly didn't think it was possible to have gorgeous lashes and wash it off at the end of the day... I also didn't think it was possible that I could keep a house plant alive longer than a month but who knew that's possible too! Except that I'm pretty sure I killed on of them with miracle grow..leave it to me to kill a plant with Miracle Grow... But anyways, I'm not talking about plants...
So true story, I've tried ALL of those mascaras.. and not one of them even can hold a candle to my amazing 3D mascara... so what do I suggest you do with this info? Get yourself some amazing lashes for Christmas! Your welcome in advance...

*This is not a sponsored post, however I do make a commission on any sale. 

November 10, 2014

Feel Gorgeous Inside & Out....

Before the appointment... you can't see it, but the ends of my hair was dead, heat fried, dead... 
Look how long??
Where the magic happens...
The prescription for amazing hair day... Kerastase...aka hair magic...
Kimberly working her magic...
After.. I mean wow... "hello, gorgeous!"

"A woman who cuts her hair, is about to change her life..." - Coco Chanel

So in life we women are pretty funny creatures, we love our shoes, our coffee and mani/pedis with the girls... there are many things we are particular about, like how our jeans fit.. or the fact that florecent lighting is death on wheels and Spanx is like the best invention since the blowdryer... But nothing can even hold a candle to how we feel about our hair... seriously... It's an emotional thing... Why is that? Well, I think it's because it's so personal.. our hair is kinda like our home, it's a tiny reflection of our personality & identity... Think about it, the house is trashed, dishes need to be done and nothing is right with the world... Same goes for our hair,  we can't get it to do what we want and we have the cursed "bad hair day"... shudder..  Yet, when the house is clean, the hair is rocking you feel at your best... The magic of a good hair day! Very powerful... 

Here's the thing, I've had my fair share of bad haircuts, there was this one where I came home with a  Mrs. Brady mullet... I straight up cried in front of the mirror, my sister fixed it in our kitchen with crappy scissors... So let me just say, I get it.. I've got my trust issues with my hair.. but all of that went away with my last appointment... Because of my trust issues, I've been only trimming my hair ...honest moment.. not as often as I should, kinda like a twice a year thing... awkward... So when I went in to see Kimberly at Dolce Vita Salon, I knew it was time.. time to get real... I actually was excited! She was fabulous, she knew exactly what my face needed and inspired me to change up my look a little while listening to my needs! I mean let's face it there's quite a bit of therapy happening in the chair... let the healing begin... Just like in fashion, quality is important.. you cannot just go out to Super Cuts... I've got a story about that too... This is your hair we are talking about it deserves all the love attention you can give it... Your hair will always thank you...

One of the things that was so nice about the Dolce Vita Salon was that, Kimberly the owner, she knew just what my hair needed in a cut and in amazing hair products.. like a Dr. prescribing the medicine needed for a great hair day... And boy did I need it.. As women we wait so long to take care of ourselves, we are extremely good at taking care of others but when it comes to ourselves well, we get a D+ on that grade, if that... Why not stop, take a moment... realize that you are amazing from head to toe and you need to allow yourself to see some of that on the outside... Local ladies, get yourself over to Dolce Vita Salon in Santa Rosa, CA. Prepare yourself to be amazed at the great hair days that will come... It's in there and all you need is just take a moment for yourself, so it can come out... And on that note, here's something even more exciting!! When you buy hair product from Kimberly (remember it's medicine for your hair) you will be entered in a drawing for gorgeous photo shoot that captures your inner & outer beauty!! See the details below and stay fabulous!

*this is a sponsored post however all opinions are mine.

November 6, 2014

Champagne Thursday & eShakti Review....

Dress-c/o EShakti
Bag- Steve Madden
Heels- Payless

It's Champagne Thursday!!! aka.. finding even the most ridiculous reasons to celebrate...
~Daylight savings... giving me the illusion of sleeping in for a week...
~Totally pulled of the size sticker off my new jeans BEFORE walking into church... #winning  
~Totally resisted the urge for a doughnut when I really wanted one.... it's a big deal...
~ I found the best mascara in the whole wide world.... seriously...
~ Christmas music is now playing in stores....
~It's Thursday!!!

Eshakti Review..
Have you ever found an amazing item taken it into the fitting room to try it on and it fits great in the waist but too tight in the hips? No? Just me? Well for me, finding something that fits perfectly is well, always a challenge... So when Eshakti approached me about their custom size ordering system I was thrilled! Simply take your measurements, enter them when submitting your order and whamo! A gorgeous tailored look just for your size! I selected this dress submitted my measurements and I got the dress and to my disappointment it is too big.. not too bad but not a perfect fit as I hoped,(I still wear the dress, I wore this on our anniversary dinner)... here's what I think went wrong... we measured after dinner.. uh.. well, lets just say my stomach isn't the washboard abs it normally is after dinner...wink..
The other option is I lost 5lbs in about 2 weeks, which is the one I'm pulling for but...  
Or the last option is, something didn't happen correctly to my order... So in conclusion, would I buy from Eshakti?  Definitely, they have gorgeous styles and I love the concept! But I would choose a different fabric and not measure right after dinner... lesson learned Howland... lesson learned...

*this was a sponsored post, however the opinions are all my own.

October 21, 2014

Flo For Halloween...

Untitled #57

Untitled #57 by hchdesigns featuring plain aprons

Well, for my next costume idea.. I give you Flo... True story, this one was my husband's idea to be put on the blog.. He's so funny... Fun fact: we think up random Halloween costumes all through the year.. I honestly don't know why? So on to the costume, super easy! White on white with a white apron... Extra points if you can get Progressive on the apron! Tease that hair, with bunch of hair spray, at the back of the crown to get that lift... I don't think you need a wig for this one but if you wanted to go for it! Headband and the kicker is the red lip gloss! Must have the red lip gloss... Is it lame that I'm already thinking about how easy it would be for me to get the lip gloss on the jeans? I know, I know, super lame.

Now for the rest of your evening, it's your job is to be slightly ditsy and totally in love with insurance... Which I think we can all agree that the ditsy part will be easier...
Happy Tuesday!

October 20, 2014

Jim Harbaugh Halloween

Jim Harbaugh Halloween

Jim Harbaugh Halloween by hchdesigns featuring grey pants

Uh... Halloween is only 11 days away!! What the?? I swear the older I get the faster the weeks go by and the very fact that I'm saying that makes me feel really old... omg...
Anyhoo... Do you have you costume picked out yet?? Here's what I think would be a smash of a costume especially for couples... I don't know about you but I find it hilarious when couples dress identical in something unexpected and honestly I don't like typical costumes..
I like ones that tend to be a little more ironic...
So today in memory of the horrible football game we played last night, ugh, I don't want to talk about it... I give you Jim Harbaugh for Halloween..Pleated Dockers-check! Black shirt tucked in-check! The key to this costume working is all in your facial expressions and your body language... While having the clip board tucked into the back of your pants...

 I'll be posting all week some fun and creative ideas for last minute costumes that you could recreate with minimal effort.. Have a Happy Monday and let's all move on from the blood bath that was Sunday Night Football.. shaking my head...

Venus Trapped in Mars

October 14, 2014

Rainy Day...

Rainy Day...

J Crew cotton shirt / H M white top, $11 / Quiz black pants, $16 / Michael kors jewelry / ADOPTED white iphone case / Black glasses / New Balance MRL996DG, $145 / Porcelain cup

Well, it's finally raining here in Cali... which means... zero productivity.. I just want to be home, sip my tea, be causally chic and slow down for just a hot minute...

Sometimes when I get up super early to get ready, I just savor the stillness of the world and sip my coffee...just a sign that I've truly gotten old when getting up early is a luxury... big eye roll, huge... 
On days like this I dream of sitting on my couch, wearing all things cozy & chic... J Crew sweatshirt, oh come to mama... it's such a great way of being cozy and fabulous all at the same time.. and why on earth would you wear runners for any other reason than have a cozy day inside?? I'm kidding... sorta.

I will sit, do nothing... ignore the 3 huge Ikea bags of laundry that needed to be folded and put away.. I will drink my tea and do some online shopping cuz that's just a good day.. Some days you just need to give yourself a rainy day... open up the window and listen to the rain coming down, drink your favorite hot beverage, do an incredible eye makeup job the no one will see and relax... for no other reason than it's raining...

October 6, 2014

Life is Kickball...

Confession.. I've said no to things and opportunities because I thought I wouldn't be good at it... jaw on the floor... I mean, honestly... How does that get you where you want to go? It doesn't... Sometimes I think we are all just kids in our minds, playing the game of kickball and you hear in your head, "oh Hope is kicking, everybody move forward...' So to spare ourselves that kind of pain again or embarrassment we don't go for the dreams or opportunities that we really need in our life...

For me, I've avoided trying things or I quit too early because I'm not immediately good at it... Which, is total crap.. right? I mean we are meant to learn things, it's something that we are supposed to do..That it's ok to be smack in  the middle of a process, to try dust your self off and go for it again.. Because at the end of the day, our worth is not defined by how successful our career is anything like that... We are amazing. Period.

The more we learn, the more we grow, the more we inspire others..The more I take risks, the more I can reach for things that normally would have seemed out of my reach... All we can do, is try our best and so what if you can't throw a pigeon clay and you're in front of a ton of people and they're all telling you how to do it and you may or may not start crying... true story that really happened... So what if you walk into a pole while waving hello to a guy... True story, that really happened... So what if you start singing in the wrong key.. on stage.. in front of your whole church...again that's really happened, more than once...

In life we are not guaranteed to avoid embarrassing moments or moments where we are really nervous to try something new.. but when we channel our inner Taylor Swift and "shake it off" we can really do amazing things.. if not for anyone else but ourselves..  That's me, that's where I'm at.. being brave, choosing to believe in myself and praying along the way.. That's all we can do right? Just go for it, you are amazing and you will rock this... So step up to that home plate, and kick that ball... kick it hard!

October 2, 2014

Live Adventurously....

Last week Seth and I celebrated our 5 year Anniversary!!! Gosh... Cannot believe it's been 5 years, I feel so blessed to be his wife.. like SO blessed...
I can't begin to tell you the dream come true he is in my life... 
I thought I would share with you some of our wedding photos.. I never get tired of them! And also, some fun little details of our wedding day! September 25 2009...

  • I wore red stilettos... at the time it was groundbreaking... like no one was doing that.. now everyone seems to think it's a great idea to wear a colored shoe.. I feel that I started that  trend and I'm flattered really that everyone wants to copy me... 
  • I have two wedding dresses...The first one was a lesson in why you don't buy your wedding dress online... for reals, don't do it.. The second is the one I wore and it's dreamy... If I could .. I would wear it around the house... cuz that's just how I roll..
  • Seth had the greatest idea of having a rehearsal luncheon instead of dinner, so the night was free for an early rehearsal and our very chill bachelor & bachelorette parties.
  • I walked down the aisle to Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve... the doors opened when the drums kicked in... It was epic..
  • We didn't have a wedding cake.. neither of us like wedding cake and it was too expensive! Instead we served amazing cheesecake for dessert! 
  • My good friend closed her coffee shop for the day so me and my girls could all get ready there... it was so amazing... 
  • We didn't have a DJ, I made every single playlist and had it on my iPod.. again it was epic..

Till this day I look back and thank God for such a wonderful day.. but honestly.. the thing I am most thankful to God for, is my husband... He loves me, listens to my random rambling... I think he is so funny and I laugh at all of his jokes...He supports me in my dreams and I support his... We promised to live adventurously with each other... and everyday whether it's snorkeling in Hawaii or running to Walmart for more toilet paper... has been the very best adventure and I would do all over again in a heartbeat... 

September 17, 2014

5 Things That Help Hope Win at Life...

Mascara- Younique 3D Fiber Lash 
Eyeliner- Kat Von D Ink Liner
Foundation- Revlon Photoready mixed with Nars Orgasm Illuminator
Concealer- Maybeline Fit Me
Powder- Wet N Wild
Bronzer & Blush - Elf duo

Mason Jars- I recently just discovered that mason jars with the lids are seriously the best travel mugs or dishes.... they do not leak! Like for reals... I should get in to the business that tests travel mugs because seriously I've got a gift, a real gift for spilling something  hot and usually staining my white blouse.... I'm that girl pulling a mason jar of yogurt from her very chic handbag... not spilling is so in fashion this year....

Coconut Oil- I know there is a MAJOR fad going on out there for coconut oil everything but I have to be honest.. as a person who usually tries EVERY product that is supposed to be amazing for your skin, I've yet to be wowed.. usually I'm in love for a week then just like that I'm over that product that promised the eternal youth.. and I'm searching for something else.. well, guys coconut oil is my go to face wash... like a total granola hippie... I wet my face with hot water, massage on a little (or alot if I'm not paying attention) of coconut oil and wipe it off... it softens, removes all of the dirt, my makeup and what do you know it's anti aging with a tiny bit of sunscreen.. I mean wow what's next? It's so amazing that it does my laundry? Oh I wish...

Paper Towels- I know brilliant right? No seriously... After my brilliant discovery of washing my face with coconut oil, I was using my white washcloths to wash off the dirt & makeup off my face.. funny business though that makeup was staining my washcloths! So I thought to myself, there's got be a disposable something that I can use to wash my face? light bulb moment, Paper towels! Not just any paper towels Viva paper towels... those bad boys are not your usual paper towels they are in it to win it.. and by winning they are wet and wiping all the dirt and makeup off my face and not tearing.. While I understand that paper towels are not exactly cheap, neither is my laundry... So for me, it was the brilliant lesser of two evils.. I wipe off the day and throw it away.. plus I swear this is cheaper than makeup remover wipes... Just sayin..., I should mention this not a sponsored post what so ever, I'm just a really big fan...

Bleach- Ok so we now know that I am prone to some spillage of the beverages.. how do I keep my whites white? Bleach it baby.. and boy do I ever... this is the very reason I sort my laundry, colors & whites... so I can remove those pesky espresso stains or the evidence of spaghetti sauce. Because even though I am MANY years since kindergarten I still wear my food from time to time.

Salsa Crock Pot Chicken- Ok, so this tip was given to me by my girl Ashley K, and I'm so grateful! Here's the scoop.. simply dump two chicken breasts in a crock pot, cover it with a jar your favorite salsa... I love using green salsa! Set the crock pot on low for like 7-8 hours and bam! Delicious shredded chicken  done for you when you walk in the door from work.. you can make your neighbors jealous with all the delicious smells coming from your house... Use the chicken in tortillas for tacos or burrito bowls or for an easy start to a chicken tortilla soup! It's so tasty and I've done many variations of this... Feel free to ask if you want more ideas on this!

Happy Wednesday!

September 15, 2014

Tips & Life Lessons: Ebay...

Isn't that the truth... Today I'm grieving the loss of some deliciously lovely Frye Boots... Ugh.. Ebay user t***y2, I'm shaking my fist at you! Beat me by a lousy $2.50!! It's fine, it's fine it wasn't meant to be... that's what I'm telling myself... But seriously now... Can we just talk about the fabulous-ness of Ebay? I think you know my love of it but seriously, I mean, it's just so great.. addicting? Possibly.. the same way Pinterest is, with no intention of stopping...  I mean, you want a vintage San Francisco 49rs jersey? Or designer jeans? Or gorgeous leather boots (*sob) it's there for you, like the gift that keeps giving... Here's a few tips and life lessons in the wonderful world of Ebay..

  • The auto bid function...ahhhh.... set the highest ammount you are willing to go and voila! Bidding war started... what can I say, I like to win... confession, I kinda get giddy about the thought that I'm winning before the other bidder knows it... evil laugh...
  • Ebay mobile app... that bad boy sends you push notifications when an item you are watching is ending soon... jaw on the floor..
  • If I can't find an item in the store, ie.. sold out.. I usually search Ebay... true story, the 3.1 Phillip Lim collection for Target items are still selling on Ebay! However, don't pay more than what you would have paid in the store.. a bag that was only $50 in the store should never go for $100, that's just dumb..another sore subject...
  • Be ready to walk away, that max bid is set there for a reason! Case in point that purse that I bid on, by Phillip Lim, ended at the final sale of over $100!!! What the? Seriously people... I walked away at waaayyy below $50... and that's what is important to me.. 
  • Double check the shipping costs... if the shipping is more than the item, is it worth it?? To me it's not.. because I am working with a budget and if I don't calculate the shipping, I will blow my budget every time... 
Well, that's my rant tips.. I hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have.. In the meantime I'll be on the hunt for the perfect riding boots..

September 4, 2014

Younique 3D Fiber Lash Giveaway! (Closed)

A wise person once said, aka I read this on Pinterest... "if someone tells you that your lashes are too big, stop talking to them.. you don't need that kind of negativity in your life..." Word, wise person on Pinterest... word...

Well, now I know what all the hub bub is all about... Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes you know it, it's everywhere on the internets... ooh la la... I'm in love... It does exactly everything it says it does, lengthens, stays on all day (water resistant) & is a dream to wash off not to mention it's cruelty free, naturally based and environmentally friendly sourced.... I mean it's where all my mascara dreams come true.... Simply apply the transferring gel like mascara, then the fibers, then the gel again and watch those lashes grow! Eat your heart out Dolly Parton... it's just like that...See this video!

I'm hosting a giveaway with Janna Weisbrod a presenter with Younique and she's generously giving away to one lucky reader their very own Younique 3D Fiber Lashes!!!!

Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes (value of $29)
With my endless hunt to find the perfect mascara I had a few trust issues, (puts jean shopping to shame)... So when my friend Janna emailed me about this mascara, I was skeptical it's got to be too good to be true... well folks I've been using it everyday for a week now and it's made a believer out of me! See this selfie for proof! It's like the Disneyland of mascara... And now you can can believe in the magic too.... I promise you'll love it!

This giveaway is only open to US & Canada residents... The winner will be drawn at random and announced on Wednesday 9/10!  Good luck! Enter below...

*This was a sponsored post however all the opinions are completely mine.

September 2, 2014

Fall Fashion Wishlist..

Fall Fashion Wishlist..

Ace Delivery top / H M cashmere top, $100 / Forever 21 top / James Lakeland black trenchcoat, $83 / BLANKNYC black vegan leather jacket / H M wool blend coat, $100 / Charles by Charles David high heel shoes / Steve Madden leopard pumps / Urban Decay beauty product

Well, I don't know about you but now that it's September I need more fall fashion.. who am I kidding, I was craving sweaters in August..But at least I don't feel so much like weirdo now that it's kind fall ish... I mean, if Starbucks can sell their Pumpkin Spice Latte then, I can seriously get my sweater wearing on.. who cares that it's 80 degrees, sweating is chic...

Leopard & Camel put them together or wear them on their own, it's a winner... They're just gorgeous and I need it in my life... I'm not kidding when I say, I seriously need that sweater... Beyond the fact that it's cashmere, can't you just picture it with leggings, stiletto booties & a gray scarf... naturally with a coffee in my hand... I can picture it.. It's where all my fashion dreams come true....

Plaid- Can I just say I'm thrilled when a trend doesn't change from year to year? Like leggings... those bad boys are here to stay and all the girls who would like to wear their pj's during the day say Hallelujah! But, I digress.. layering and print mixing.. these two tops are incredible... pair it with stripes, or under that leather jacket... glory... either way they are gonna be an extremely versatile piece in your closet.. swearsies...

Last, but certainly not least.. Urban Decay just came out with a gorgeous new matte eye shadow palette inspired off of their Naked2 line... Umm.. Santa, if you are reading this, I really really want it, like really really... So this is how I'm celebrating Tuesday, basically second Monday.. drooling, planning, hoping & wishing for more of these in my life... What are you loving this season?

August 25, 2014

Stella & Dot GIveaway! (Closed)

Pants-Jones NY (Thrifted)
Necklace- Stella & Dot
Heels- BcbGirls

Well, I am seriously excited about today's jewelry... I mean who wouldn't be with that gorgeous statement necklace... I love how accessories seriously are the magic dust to any look! Even a basic look is elevated with a good necklace... And this one is no exception! I'm wearing the Norah Pendant from Stella & Dot.. and today I get to give it away to one lucky reader!!!! Yup that's right folks... my very fist giveaway! When Lauren Ciciarelli a Stella & Dot Independent Stylist  approached me about hosting a giveaway for my readers, I was thrilled! This jewelry is gorgeous worn by many celebrities as well us fashionistas...It's so easy just to drool over the keyboard looking at all the yummy baubles... Be sure to head over to her site and start a wish list!

Norah Pendant a value of $98

SO...  let's do this! 
The details... 
This is giveaway is open to USA & CANADA only .... the winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday August 29th.  Happy Monday ya'll and good luck!

August 20, 2014

Back To School Season: 7 Time Saving Tips ...

Back To School Season..

Back To School Season.. by hchdesigns featuring a ray ban aviator

Ok so it's back to school season.. and it's like a madhouse with traffic at 8:00am and you forgot to leave for work early... Gosh those little kids are cute but they are a real buzz kill when it comes to getting to work on time.. unless.. you plan ahead! Here are some tried and true tricks to help you getting out the door on time!
  • Shower at night.. I know, brilliant right? I should write a book.... If you shower at night, first off it will relax you and help you sleep better, therefore not waking up like the zombie that may or may not happen.. 

  • Speaking of sleep, go to bed! You are not a kid, you are not going to par-tay all night long... the average person needs about 7 hours of sleep.. Getting enough rest will help you not curse at your alarm and help loose the under eye baggage!

  • Skip the coffee shop... There is nothing more chic then saving money... so set your nifty coffee maker to brew right before your alarm goes off in the morning.. that way when you get up, the house smells like coffee and you can stumble to the kitchen poor yourself a cup and all will be right with the world again.

  • Keep your makeup fresh & simple, skip the layers of eye shadow and false lashes... go for neutral tones and classic looks... If you need to carve out more time for this, to do it at home, then do it... It's tempting to do your makeup in the car but repeat after me, "I will not put makeup on in the car".. there are kiddos out there and you need to pay attention to the road... If you are carpooling, then well, if you are comfortable putting on your makeup with an audience then be my guest... 

  • Pick out your outfit the night before, try it on.. accessories and all and make sure you like it.. I say this because there have been many times I've picked out a look the night before only to change my mind the morning of, which consequently results in half of my closet emptied onto my bed.. never a good idea...
  • Set your alarm to go off 15 minutes before you need to get out the door.. this helps me so much, because before you know it you've wasted some serious time wondering if your eyeliner is on evenly..and your not dressed it's time to leave.. awkward...  if you only have 15 minutes left, then you my friend need to start to hustle...

  • Top knot...I know, brilliant again! I'm on a roll.. So you showered the night before and then didn't dry your hair enough, you wake up with random waves and not in a cool way.. Brush that bad boy and pull it into a top knot... 

So there you have it.. my tips and tricks for getting out the door on time! It's that time of year when we are playing frogger with school buses and summer is over... We can handle it with these tips and comfort ourselves with this, if school is back then so is FALL FASHION! Can I get an amen?

August 19, 2014

Oprah Wasn't Built In A Day...

Well, I feel I owe you an apology.. I have been seriously MIA lately, sorry (insert cute sorry face here)...

A while back I wrote out all the "jobs" I had (I've added two more since then) quote my girl Julia Roberts... "big mistake, huge"... Never ever write out all the things you do... a sure fire way of promptly getting yourself over-freaking-whelmed.. Like holy crap how am I able to do a normal 9-5 job plus two-three other "jobs/projects"?? Well I'm telling you I don't know... All I know is that every day I'm gonna breathe... put on my big girl pants and get to work.  Rome wasn't built in a day... and apparently neither was Oprah...

Here I am, with large dreams, never ending to do lists and not enough hours in the day..But that's ok, it will happen and I'm done with feeling like I am not enough... Guess what ya'all... I am, I am enough... This ridiculous pressure put there only by our larger than life expectations is well, kinda cray cray.. I mean, who says I should be able to do 5 jobs in a 24 hour span?? Woah...  Life is meant for dreamers, for those Sunday evening BBQ's and black & white movies... Life is meant to be lived well, enjoyed, laughed at and treasured....

There's a lot of pressure out there to feel strong enough, pretty enough... skinny enough, smart enough... but what happens when you feel like there isn't enough of you to go around? I definitely have had those moments... But the truth is, when I dig deep and calm down.. I find out how amazing I am. and all things change.. All my choices are different.. because when you value something, you take care of it.. I'm not going to treat my engagement ring the same way I treat jewelry from a store the is eternally 21 years old.. if you catch my drift.. No, I'm going to treasure my ring because I value it... My husband told me yesterday, "We have to remind ourselves, there are treasures in the process." Sound wisdom from that man.. There are treasures in the process and I for one want to capture each and every one of them.. so when freak out and the mascara is running freely... I can remember two things.. I am enough and there are treasures in the process...

July 28, 2014

Taking Stock... 2..

Making : Take out orders... empty fridge, too busy to shop... (guilty face)
Cooking : Gluten free pasta, because boiling water is the extent of my cooking these days.
Drinking : Decaf coffee.. because I'm maxed on the good ol' caffeine intake...
Reading: Culture Of Honor, really good however I've been in the same chapter for a month now.
Wanting: Red suede heels.. like these....
Looking: For an large chair that is Mid Century Modern.. that is no more than $100.. might as well be a purple unicorn...
Playing: The Ember Days, on my Spotify Radio station....
Wasting: The cold coffee in my mug that I apparently don't drink fast enough, it's like the coffee mocking me...
Sewing: Nothing... I pretty much leave that for my mom...
Wishing: For another vacation... because it just wasn't long enough.
Enjoying: A hot cup of decaf... ooh la la...
Waiting: For the two boxes we shipped from Montana, since we were over the weight limit for baggage... figures I would send ALL of my shorts in the boxes when it's 90 at home... 
Liking: Fresh squeezed lemon on pesto.. Glorious! 
Wondering: If I can get laundry done tonight... crossing my fingers..
Loving: Sunday afternoon naps and Pomegranate Izze... hmm... yum!
Hoping: That this week goes fast..
Marveling: How the sky in Montana really seems bigger... #bigskycountry 
Needing: To go grocery shopping.. like bad..
Smelling: Nothing right at the moment, but heaven help me when I smell a doughnut.
Wearing: Work uniform, jeans & ponytail...I kinda look like a zookeeper.. (not a zookeeper)
Following: Against All Grain.. Danielle is a total inspiration, especially since her latest few posts...
Noticing: That my jeans fit better!! Woohoo!
Knowing: That every thing happens in the right time... and patience isn't for sissies... 
Thinking: That I might need to go to Ikea soon.. aka.. my magic kingdom..
Feeling: Like I need to go grain free.. and spend my future children's inheritance at Whole Foods.
Bookmarking: This place in Tulum Mexico... been dying to go there for years now... 
Opening: EmergenC packets for my poor sick husband who came back from vacation with a cold.
Giggling: At the Kombucha conversation I had with my team yesterday morning..  
Feeling:  Like I can do this... I know I can do this... 

July 14, 2014

Summer Beauty Routine...

Summer Beauty Routine...

Summer Beauty Routine... by hchdesigns featuring a liquid eyeliner

Ah the blissful season of summer... This time of year I'm all about simple, I prefer bare shoulders and sundresses. Top knots & shell earrings.. I get in touch with my inner boho...  And my makeup routine is no exception.. Since my Irish roots are pretty dominant I do freckle and get a nice little summer glow,
so in summer I keep my makeup very simple and naturalish... Here's my routine,
I start with a clean moisturized face, I apply my Maybelline Fit Me concealer...Which is amazing for covering my dark circles or ahem.. any thing else I want covered on my face... blend it in..
Then the Wet n Wild bronzer all over my face.. yes, that's a bronzer.. in Reserve Your Cabana.. it's kinda like a mineral veil and this time of year that's all I need.. this also can be used as a highlighter and only $4!
I do the most awesome, duck face, come on ladies we all do it... and BRONZE those cheekbones! I'm in LOVE with Tarte's Park Avenue Princess! It's glorious and they also offer a matte version if that's your thing.

Tarte, you really are a lifesaver... after searching and I mean SEARCHING for a primer that will actually keep my eye makeup in place.. I found it.. Tarte Clean Slate 360 Creaseless, total lifesaver..  I apply a tiny amount on my eyelid.. Hello eye makeup that lasts the whole day!
Next I apply the best eyeliner ever, Eyedo by Alexa Chung for Eyeko,  I've tried many many different products for eyeliner and this one is by far my favorite! Stays put but can be washed off! Why eyeliner next you ask? Because, I don't want my eyeliner tip to get clogged with eye shadow, making it dry out too quickly.
I apply a little of the Wet n Wild shadow on the lid (seriously the best), and since my liner is dry it doesn't effect it at all! Then my favorite trick for a beautiful summer glow is to use my Tarte bronzer as the crease shadow and blend!
Last is mascara,  I'm super excited to talk about this because I have this issue of mascara falling, like it's not attractive and after only 2 hours.. however this mascara Black Magic by Eyeko, stays put! Yet you can wash it off.. I mean really? Is this for real? Yes.. yes it is... I thrilled with it and I'm never letting it go..
And that's it! Yeah it's a lot when I type it out but honestly it takes me no longer than 15 minutes.. I hope you enjoy and happy summer!

June 17, 2014

Feel The Burn : Gym Social Anxiety...

Ok so we all know that person... the person who LOVES the gym.. they are just ya know gonna do a little work out and sweat through their very expensive workout gear... they've been "feeling the burn" for a while now and it's their zone... well, I am not that person... more or less I'm thrilled to just get in the gym act like I know what I'm doing and try not to make eye contact with anyone... It's the grown up version of the lunch room ya'll....

Here I am, 32.. trying to get back into shape, I started this journey last summer and it got derailed pretty much right when my dad passed away this last fall.. see that post here. But I'm back on the wagon and I mean business, because when there is a twenty something teaching my zumba class, well, it's just a little humiliating to think that she was probably born in the 90's... deep heavy sigh.. but here I'm trying my best, shaking it in front of the mirrors which is a terrible idea.. I mean , it's a gym! We are all there to get into shape! Can you at least make us look a little thinner in that mirror.. I mean do that carnival mirror crap, whatever it takes... I don't care, just please don't make me look short , sweaty and with a few pounds to loose..

You know that moment when your like "oh heck yeah, I'm killing it on the elliptical".. Your in the zone, pumping music and you feel like a rock star... Yeah that was me, I was so in the zone and killing it... then I look up and the stinking machine is displaying my weight! Oh perfect just the motivation needed... whatever.. I've decided that I'm not going to care and eventually I'll figure out how not to look like a fish out water.. which I totally am... a flopping fish out of water.. I think they should make Spanx workout gear... I would totally buy that crap.. true story. Until that day, I'm going to try my hardest... pretend that I know what I'm doing and figure it out along the way... because I'm worth it... and I'm worth feeling good and looking good.. I'm worth all the hard work even when I'm dreaming of doughnuts and eating a banana..

May 29, 2014

Insta What? Life Lately..

May, wowza.. you've been a trip...between busy schedules, my sister's film festival and holidays... it's been a roller coaster of a month.. May always seems to be that for us and every year we are like "wow, life is crazy"...  Here's a bit on what's been happening on the good ol Instagram....

  • Capturing the moment when my hair, makeup and chins are all in the right place... #selfie
  • Husband smuggled Jelly Bellies out of his office for me... #reallove
  • That's my gorgeous sister on the big screen, yeah she's a pretty big deal... she's also a director in which she entered a short film she made for a school project and it won both of the two awards given! Gosh, I am one proud sis... 
  • It wouldn't be summer without a date with Aloe Vera.. we've been good friends since like forever... #redheadproblems #sunburned
  • Baseball! Go A's!
  • Oprah is now on the sleeves at Starbucks? Who knew...
  • My gorgeous sister and I perfecting our duck face... slam dunk if you ask me...
  • Nails!
  • Us at the film festival.. it was like grownup prom... 
  • My girls at the film festival, we have too much fun... #spicy 
  • The camera loves me... #tbt
  • Practicing my surprised face... how'd I do?
Feel free to follow along on the fun on IG @hopeceleste ... Cheers and happy selfies!

May 21, 2014

If I Were 22...

This picture was taken when I was 21 1/2.. apparently no pictures of me at 22 exist anymore.. probably for good reason..

If I could go back in time 10 years... I'd tell my little 22 year old self many things....  Here I am, freshly hired as a customer service representative for State Farm Insurance, I don't really have a clue about what a professional work environment looks like and because of stress I weighed under 100lbs.
  • Don't show up to an interview wearing a Canadian Tuxedo... seriously jean jacket with jeans is never a good idea... big eye roll...
  • You matter, even though you feel like you are just faking your way through life till you figure some things out, it's ok.. You matter and you'll figure it out.
  • I know you think emo music is like "your jam" but trust me in a few short years from now even hearing Dashboard Confessional, you will roll your eyes.
  • I know that freshly broken heart hurts, it really does.. and I know you thought that he was the one.. but TRUST ME, you will meet the most amazing man and you'll thank God that it didn't work out... 
  • I know you doubt really if you are beautiful, you compare your self to many around you.... but let me tell you, you are beautiful... stunning on the inside and out.. 
  • Loose the hip hugger jeans... 
  • Wash your hands after applying sunless tanning lotion... trust me..
  • Take care of your body, it won't always be this easy... 
  •  Take your time figuring out who you are, things will change and there will be talents, dreams and hopes you discover along the way... there is no rush to define who you are right here right now... 
  • Go easy on the glitter eye shadow..
  • Just be honest, you don't really like Radiohead....
  • You are kind... you are a great friend, you will make mistakes and when you do, be quick to fix it... 
  • It takes a while to find your dream job, but working hard will always pay off... 
  • Remember even when people you love hurt you, it's usually not about you.. it's about them.. Forgive them.. forgive them quickly and put people in your life that can remind you of the gift you are.. even if you forget...
  • Lastly, I know it feels like this is all your life will be but I promise you... life will be so much bigger and so much better, than you ever dreamed... 
Alot can happen in 10 years, for me when I'm discouraged it's helpful to look back and see all that's changed in 10 years and then start to dream of all that is possible in the next 10... Congrats to all you graduates starting out on your adventures and to the rest of us.. keep going, it only gets better from here....