November 26, 2012

Gifts for the man in your life..

Gifts for the man in your life..

Gifts for the man in your life.. by hopehowland featuring a black optical

I swear, I have the HARDEST time finding the "perfect" gift for my husband...  If he needs something he just goes out and buys it! Usually, I am getting an idea of what to buy him, and he'll have already bought it... sigh... 
For me Christmas & Birthdays are a HUGE deal, I love to give gifts and receive them! So part of the fun is the "hunt".. Figuring out a gift that will obviously change his life forever! "Oh, Hope since you gave me this scarf my life is now complete, no one gives gifts like you!" ... 

Maybe you might be in the same position I am... so here are some tips I've learned/learning...
  • Be sure to listen.. when he says "I like Gift Cards"... (he means it)
  • Guys like things that are useful along with fun... That Swiss Army knife/drive thing looks awesome! 
  • Pay attention to his hobbies, how does he have fun? And go off of that... PS3? Movies? Golf? he needs more fun.. so NEVER go for the "he needs socks, so Merry Christmas" gift... not cool...
  • Shop at sites that have great return policies because  if your like me... it takes practice to get it right... (poor guy)... my favorite, Zappos, free shipping and free return shipping! Holla! Great if your going to try for the shoes option! 
  • Lastly... how does he show love to you? Possibly with helpful moments?... ie.. washing your car... always willing to carry the heavy groceries upstairs...doing the dishes when he's just as tired as you? ...then do the same for him!
 Many times our men will be showing love and how they like to receive it, by how they give love to us! So if you're stumped or the budget is micro-small this year (been there)..give him what he's been giving you...Even if it doesn't make sense, it's OK... it's not for you anyways... All that really matters is that he knows you love him!  


  1. LOL! Love the swiss army knife with the hubby would totally love that, he was searching for a USB today even :)


    1. Oh I am so glad! What guy doesn't love a knife? haha... it just might end up in my husband's stocking! :)

  2. I have a hard time shopping for my boyfriend too.
    love this , great ideas !

    Xo Amy,
    Would you like to stay connected through Bloglovin and GFC?

    1. Thanks! I'd love to stay connected! Follow me on GFC, I just had a peak at your blog, looks great.... I love your pics! looking good...


  3. It gets harder and harder to get gifts for my guy every year too!!! These are some great ideas though! Thanks for sharing!!

    PS. I'd love it if you could visit my blog and follow me if you like it!! :)


    1. Thanks! I appreciate the love! I just had a look at your blog... Very nice! I am following you now on Bloglovin... feel free to follow back if you like!
